Monday, January 10, 2011

And the Weight Loss Journey Begins.... Day 1

First day of yet ANOTHER weight loss journey for me, though admittedly the first one in many years.  I joined Weight Watchers on Friday, January 7th, 2011 and attended my first meeting along with both my mother and my adult daughter.  Yay me, I have "buddy" support during this weight loss journey.  Did that sound sarcastic?  Well, much as I love the two of them, I'm still the fattest one of the three of us.  Guess I'm just sort of jealous maybe?  Not sure but I definitely hate being the fattest one of the group. 

I started this weight loss journey because of one reason, I had no other choice.  I could either lose weight or I could die.  Yeah, sounds silly when I say it like that but it's true.  I weigh 400 pounds at this point and I can barely stand or walk or do personal hygiene things.  I'm diabetic and I take both pills and insulin to keep it  mostly under control.  Sometimes my blood pressure is a little high, not too bad, thank goodness, but I do take meds for it.  I have high cholesterol and take meds for that every night.  And worst of all, I almost NEVER feel good.  And I have to say, that really sucks big time!

So, I have joined Weight Watchers and I am now counting, or rather, TRACKING, the foods I eat and their PointsPlus point value.  Because of my weight, 401.6 pounds, I get 57 PointsPlus points each day.  I am using the etools available on the Weight Watchers website which you can check out at Weight Watchers to help me out.

I started this blog to follow my weight loss journey because I am hoping it helps to keep me on track and maybe my experiences can help others to lose weight too.

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