Friday, January 14, 2011

Why Start a Weight Loss Journey? Day Five

Seriously, why didn't I start this weight loss journey a long time ago?  I weigh over 400 pounds and I can barely walk, why the heck didn't I do something about it before now? 

I reached an absolute low point when I was taking a bath at my parents house.  Bathing has become a major chore for me.  It usually involves tons of physical effort, lots of discomfort along with some pain and a bucket or two of tears.  Yes, I did say tears.  I end up crying nearly every time I bathe.  The effort to bathe or shower kicks my behind so hard that I don't bathe often enough.  This is a deep dark secret that currently only my family knows but now, everyone will know.  I don't bathe often enough because I'm scared. 

Scared to bathe?  Sounds weird I know but afterwards, I am so exhausted, I almost feel like I can't go on.  So I get depressed and I cry, sometimes I start to hypervenilate and have a full-blown anxiety attack.  It is AWFUL and I hate it!  So I do a lot of the so-called "spit bath" with baby wipes and a cleansing spray they use in resthomes.  It isn't the same though but I do the best I can with what I've got.

But the last time I took a bathe, I could not find the energy to even make the attempt to get up to get out of the bath tub so I sat there and cried.  That was the defining moment for me and THAT'S when I joined Weight Watchers to do something about my weight.

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