Friday, January 14, 2011

The First Weigh In.... Day Seven

OMG, I weighed in today and lost 8 pounds!!  LOL heeheehee I was stunned to say the least!  I mean, yes, I tracked every bite of food I ate and yes, I ate healthier choices but still, I thought, oh sure, maybe 4 or 5 pounds but 8 pounds, WOW!

I am as giddy as a little school girl!  LOL Seriously!  And I got my first 5 pounds lost star sticker that Weight Watchers gives out.  I am very happy right now.
And now I weigh a mere 393.6 pounds.  But I can't think about how much that total is because otherwise I might give up.  Weight Watchers has us thinking of a 5% weight loss or down to 380 for me as our first goal.  So that is my current goal, to lose 5% of my body weight.  That means all I have to lose is 13.6 more pounds!  Yay!

Week 1 on the Weight Watchers PointPlus plan has been a complete success  And now, on to week two....

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